We offer Best Disability Care Rostering Software

eZaango Care Partners is a platform for NDIS providers who provide care and manage client services under NDIS. We truly believe that people living with disability deserve the best care. With our web portal and mobile app we aim to empower and efficiently impact service providers to deliver best care for the communities while the system takes care of data management, reporting, knowledge base, shift allocation etc.
Our software is proven to improve efficiency of data management and empower service providers to focus of offering quality service while the system improvises efficiency and supports business growth.

Get Started with eZaangoHR.

Businesses continue to grow and evolve, so do their workforce management needs. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to have a modern, streamlined solution that can keep up with the demands of the modern workplace.

That’s where eZaangoHR comes in – Your all-in-one workforce management system designed to make simpler and streamline HR processes, giving you the power of one.

Get Started with eZaangoHR
Unified Platform for Workforce Management

Unified Platform for Workforce Management

With eZaangoHR’s all-in-one platform, you can forget about juggling multiple systems and providers. Consolidate your HR, payroll, and other management processes needs into one user-friendly platform, streamlining your processes and improving your team’s overall efficiency.

Comprehensive Employee

Give your employees more control over their information and workflows with eZaangoHR self-service tools. Allow them to update their personal information, request time off, and access important company documents with ease. This not only reduces the workload for your HR team but also empowers your employees to take ownership of their HR needs.

Comprehensive Employee
Intelligent Scheduling and Time Tracking Tools

Intelligent Scheduling and Time Tracking Tools

Optimise your team’s scheduling and time management with eZaangoHR intelligent tools. Assign shifts and track employee hours, breaks, and overtime automatically, minimising errors and maximising productivity. Plus, with mobile access and real-time updates, your team will always stay in the loop.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics Capabilities

Gain valuable insights into your team’s performance and identify areas for improvement with eZaangoHR’s advanced reporting and analytics tools. Track key metrics such as employee turnover, attendance, and payroll costs, and use the data to make informed decisions about your HR strategy. With customisable dashboards and easy-to-use reporting features, you can optimise your HR processes and drive business success.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics Capabilities

Transform your workforce management with eZaangoHR and take the first step towards a streamlined Workforce management process.
